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Duration: from Oct. 20th 2020 to Sept. 1st 2024 A tribute before the dawn breaks : In memory of our loved ones. In the past century, from dusk to dawn, our planet Earth and the island we call home have revolved 36,525 times around the sun. Over the past hundred years, we have enjoyed an abundance on this island, nurtured by sunshine, air, and water. Yet, what is the force driving Taiwan's relentless journey onward? In the crucible of the 1920s and 1930s, a group of Taiwanese men and women emerged. They were earnest, ardent, and curious souls. They hoped to one day dedicate their lives to the world. Through their student years and World War II, and amidst changing regimes and shifting cultural tides, they remained pure and passionate. They are the "Men and Women of World War II." Yet, when these men and women fell prey to authoritarian rule, they were branded as rebels and silenced. They vanished from the face of the Earth and were forgotten by the people of Taiwan for over half a century. Martial Law was lifted in Taiwan in 1987. Authoritarian rule ended in 1992, and we welcomed a change of ruling party in 2000. In 2017, the process of transitional justice began. The shadow of the White Terror, which had loomed over the island of Taiwan for so long, gradually subsided. As dawn breaks, we can finally gaze clearly into the past, present, and future of Taiwan. Through " Before Dawn : Missing Objects Collection Exhibition", we at the National Human Rights Museum hope to bring back the victims of the White Terror through their letters, journals, photographs, clothing, documents, crafts, books, and paintings. Sounds and videos from the past paint a portrait of complex relationships: family, friends, and lovers. Let us relive their youthful dreams and witness their undying passion for life in the face of adversity. Let us hear their moving life stories and recognize the hardships that Taiwan has collectively endured. Let us continue to embrace their fight for a better Taiwan.



Members' Events


Portraits of the Anonymous Saturday 4 February 2023 to Sunday 30 April 2023 Time: Open 11am to 5pm Wednesday to Saturday, and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays Location: Counihan Gallery, 233 Sydney Road (inside Brunswick Town Hall), Brunswick AUSTRALIA Virginia Woolf once said, ‘For most of history, Anonymous was a woman’. In her first solo show in Australia, Shwe Wutt Hmon presents photographic portraits of female photographers, filmmakers, photojournalists and artists. These women worked earnestly to document the civilian resistance during the recent coup d'état in Myanmar. The coup d'état began in February 2021, when Myanmar's military deposed the democratically elected government. Each portrait is overlayed with an image of the coup, taken by the portrait subject. The portraits are accompanied by written testimonies, which evoke the struggles, strengths and contributions of women working in photography in Myanmar. The portraits will be suspended from the gallery ceiling, echoing the civilian protests in Myanmar during the Spring Revolution. Protesters strung up longyi on lines across the streets to slow down police and soldiers. Longyi are a type of garment worn by women, similar to a skirt. Walking beneath these garments is traditionally considered bad luck for men. This exhibition is presented in association with International Women’s Day. This exhibition has been supported by Final Grade, Canson and Kayell Australia. Counihan Gallery Phone: +61 03 9389 8622 Email: CounihanGallery@merri-bek.vic.gov.au For exhibition updates you can follow the Counihan Gallery Instagram page. You can also go to the Counihan Gallery Facebook page. For more information about the artist, you can visit Shwe Wutt Hmon's website. This exhibition is in the Front Gallery.


Women Make Waves International Film Festival 2022- Touring Film Screening and Post-screening Talk Series   NHRM collaborates with Women Make Waves International Film Festival 2022 to screen three films on the theme of Taiwanese family and gender roles. There will be a post-screening with the director after each screening. We hope that viewers can have a deeper understanding of the “happening” changes in Taiwanese family relations, role identities, gender equality, and cultural identity.   Film 1: American Girl Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQOhNm8tznU Online Registration: https://reurl.cc/bE0KLd   Film 2: Incense Fire Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRpJttIvorU Online Registration: https://reurl.cc/rRMOpE   Film 3: Can You Hear Me? Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm9CHnqWl5c Online Registration: https://reurl.cc/vWVRyA  


A Better Future for Every Child – International Children’s Right Day 2022   To celebrate this year's International Children's Right Day, NHRM has organized a series of diverse types of children's human rights education-themed activities from September to December 2022.   This year marks the third year since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the epidemic slows, many countries have gradually eased the prevention restrictions. Issues of children's rights violations due to the pandemic have also surfaced. Schools closed, and online learning has unexpectedly revealed that students in specific areas lack learning resources; some children even drop out of school. Some children can't be vaccinated. The Russo-Ukrainian War forced countless Ukrainian children to leave their hometowns, away from their caring relatives, and out of school. The safety and rights of children are challenged.   Children worldwide endured the COVID-19 pandemic for the past few years, and some faced war. On International Children's Rights Day, NHRM urges everyone to join us in fighting for children's rights. May there be a better future for every child.   Picture Book Lecture I am a Child and I Have Rights Time: Nov. 20th, 2022 1000-1200 Venue: Tourist Center, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park Online registration starts from Nov. 1st   Film In this Corner of the World Time: Oct. 22nd, 2022 1330-1630 Venue: Tourist Center, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park Online registration: https://www.accupass.com/event/2208151056297590882710 The German Lesson Time: Nov. 20th, 2022 1330-1630 Venue: Tourist Center, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park Online registration starts from Nov. 1st   Drama Grandpa's Suitcase Time: Nov. 20th, 2022 1330-1430 Venue: Auditorium, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park Online registration starts from Nov. 1st Life Story of Uong'e Yatauyungana Time: Dec. 10th, 2022 1330-1430 Venue: Auditorium, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park Online registration starts from Nov. 1st   2-Day Workshop for children under 12 and 13-18   Time: Nov. 5th & 6th 0930-1600 Venue: Tourist Center, Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park Online registration: https://www.accupass.com/event/2209120927291847935816  


Photo Exhibition "Endless Escape: Fleeing Myanmar to Thailand” 4 October – 6 November 2022 @ Curved Wall, 4th floor, BACC   Since the coup d’état led by General Min Aung Hlaing in February 2021, many have been displaced within Myanmar and across borders. Hostilities and armed conflict in Myanmar, especially Chin State, Sagaing and Magway Regions in northwestern; Karen and Karenni (Kayah) States in southeast, have forced a considerable number of people to flee. According to the UN, in a year and half at least 986,000 people have been newly displaced internally, adding to the 370,000 who had previously left their homes. An additional 47,200 are estimated to have crossed over to neighboring countries or settled along the border. As of February 2022, the Thai government estimated that 17,000 Myanmar refugees had crossed into Thailand. These can be broadly defined into two groups: internally displaced villagers in bordering states seeking temporary refuge due to intensified conflict; and CDM protestors and high-profile individuals seeking longer-term refuge, whether in Thailand or third countries. The photo exhibition “Endless Escape: Fleeing Myanmar to Thailand,” held by SEA Junction in collaboration with Asia Democracy Network on the 4th floor of BACC, focuses on the first group. Aung Naing Soe, Visual Rebellion, Yan Naing Aung and Zin Koko capture the cross-over into Thailand and the settling along the 1,500 km porous borders when fighting and airstrikes became particularly intense such as in December 2021 and March 2022. Few photos also show Mae La, the largest refugee camp of the nine along the Thai-Myanmar border that was established in 1984 to remind us of the “endless escape” of Myanmar people from violence and the plight of new generations growing up in camps excluded from the wider society. Realizing this hopefully encourage us to do more to sustain a democratic Myanmar and to integrate displaced peoples and refugees in our midst. On the short term the extensive humanitarian needs of people in temporary settlements along the border including access to safe drinking water, medicine, and sanitation facilities ought to be met. The exhibition will be officially launched with a discussion on 8 October 2022, 5.00-6.30 pm with the speakers/photographers listed below - Patrick Phongsathorn, Human Rights Advocacy Specialist at Fortify Rights - Aung Naing Soe, Multimedia Journalist - Laure Siegel, Founder of Visual Rebellion Myanmar - Yan Naing Aung, Photojournalist Organizer: SEA Junction, established under the Thai non-profit organization Foundation for Southeast Asia Studies (ForSEA), aims to foster understanding and appreciation of Southeast Asia in all its socio-cultural dimensions- from arts and lifestyles to economy and development. Conveniently located at Room 408 of the Bangkok Arts and Culture Center or BACC (across MBK, BTS National Stadium), SEA Junction facilitates public access to knowledge resources and exchanges among students, practitioners and Southeast Asia lovers. For more information, see www.seajunction.org.   Supporter: Asia Democracy Network (ADN) is active in more than 40 countries in Asia. Our core values are to promote and practice the principles of democracy through the development of inclusive governance, advancement of human rights, equality and inclusivity, prevention of discrimination, human security, promotion of free, fair and meaningful elections, democracy education, & press freedom and responsibility. For more information, see https://adnasia.org.


Means Without End Means Without End Date: Saturday 28 May 2022 to Sunday 17 July 2022   Time: Open 11am to 5pm Wednesday to Saturday, and 1pm to 5pm on Sundays Location: Counihan Gallery, 233 Sydney Road (inside Brunswick Town Hall), Brunswick 'Means Without End' offers a unique opportunity to view two recent projects by artist Hoda Afshar side by side. 'Remain' (2018) is a series of photographic portraits of men who were detained on Manus Island. The collaborative project involves these men retelling their individual and shared stories through staged images, words, and poetry. 'Agonistes' (2020) is a tribute to whistle-blowers who have spoken out in the name of truth and justice. They did so at a terrible personal cost. Hoda Afshar was Born in Iran and is now based in Narrm (Melbourne). She began her career as a documentary photographer. This influences her poetic investigation into the representation of gender, marginality, and displacement. Afshar is also a member of Eleven, a collective of contemporary Muslim Australian artists, curators, and writers. Eleven challenges the current politics of representation and power.   Suitable for This exhibition includes video and sound content. Because of the varied sensory experience on display, this exhibition may be a difficult environment for visitors who experience sensory overload. Content note: This exhibition includes mentions of suicide, abuse and mental health issues.  Contact Counihan Gallery Phone: 03 9389 8622 Email: CounihanGallery@moreland.vic.gov.au Further information For exhibition updates you can follow the Counihan Gallery Instagram Page. You can also go to the Counihan Gallery Facebook pagethe Counihan Gallery Facebook Page. Hoda Afshar is represented by Milani Gallery. To find out more, visit the Milani Gallery website.  There is a Counihan Gallery Learning Resource to accompany this exhibition. To download your copy, visit our Learning at the Counuhan Gallery Page. Means Without End is in the New Gallery.


Taiwan's Long Walk to Freedom of Speech   Time: Apr. 7th, 2022-Apr. 7th, 2024, 0900-1800, Monday-Sunday Venue: Chang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Permanent Exhibition Hall   In October 1945, after the KMT took over Taiwan, many state violations and suppression of human rights cases occurred. After the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, President Chiang Kai-shek strengthened the authoritarian system with economic and military assistance from the United States, which further suppressed Taiwan's freedom of speech.   It was only after the lifting of martial law in 1987 and the termination of the Period of National Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion in 1991 that the authoritarian regime ended. However, as to freedom of speech, it was until the abolishment of the Betrayers Punishment Act in 1991 and the revision of Article 100 of the Criminal Law in 1992 that the people of Taiwan were free from intimidation from the State. Since then, freedom of speech has been guaranteed.   Taiwan is now an advanced democracy in East Asia, and it ranks among the top in the protection of freedom of speech. "Taiwan's Long Walk to Freedom of Speech" focuses on the progress of freedom of speech in Taiwan. Based on the historical context from 1945 to the present, the exhibition is divided into the following units to present Taiwan's arduous journey from authoritarianism to freedom and democracy.   1. The Formation of the Speech Suppression System 2. 1945-1949: Taiwan's Media Catastrophe and the "April 6 Incident." 3. the 1950s: "Free China" and the Struggle regardless of Provincial Identifications 4. the 1960s: The Fearless Figures under the Suffocation of Speech 5. the 1970s-1980s: Setbacks and Breakthroughs of Dang-Wai Collective Actions 6. 1987-1992: Sacrifice and Crash on the Last Mile 7. Conclusion: Challenges of the New Era



FIHRM-AP Meeting and Warm-Up Event of ”Past, Present and Future: Art and Freedom of Creative Expression” Workshop Topic: How does Taiwan confront and alleviate its historical trauma? Date: 29th May, 2024      14:00-16:30 (GMT+8, Taiwan time) Federation of International Human Rights Museums- Asia Pacific (FIHRM-AP) was established in September 2019 on the ICOM General Conference held in Kyoto. As a platform for museums and NGOs in the Asia-Pacific region, FIHRM-AP urges governments to carefully watch the development of human rights issues in this region. It works to build human-rights-oriented museum values to drive contemporary practices to further the cause. This June, the National Human Rights Museum (NHRM) in collaboration with the Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) will host the workshop "Past, Present, and Future: Art and the Freedom of Creative Expression." This event will serve as a platform for reflection and dialogue on promoting human rights through artistic practices. As a precursor to the workshop, we are hosting an online meeting to engage artists and curators in a discussion on “How does Taiwan confront and alleviate its historical trauma?” We encourage all who are interested in human rights advocacy to join this session. Interpretation services in English and Chinese will be available, and we recommend registering early to secure your participation. “Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar” After successfully signing up for the event, the conference link will be sent to participants.   Agenda: 📍 14:00 — 14:05   Address by HONG Shi-Fang , Director of the National Human Rights Museum and President of FIHRM-AP 📍 14:05 — 14:45   Experience Sharing 1 Topic: History, Memory, and Writing: A Retrospective on Lawyer YAO Chia-Wen's Writing Experience Speaker: YAO Chia-Wen, Senior Advisor to the President, White Terror Victim 📍 14:45 — 15:25 Experience Sharing 2 Topic: Experience Sharing on Creating, Freedom, and Trauma Healing Speaker: TSAI Hai-Ru, Artist, Curator, Family Member of White Terror Victim 📍 15:25 — 16:15 Experience Sharing 3 Topic: Exploration into History in Theater Speaker: CHIU An-Chen, Director of The Party Theatre Group 📍 16:15 — 16:30   Discussion Moderator: SHEN Phebea, Artist and Art Facilitator -- * The event will proceed in English and Mandarin consecutive interpreting.  * Applicants will have received the meeting link by email *For any inquiries, please feel free to email us at nhrm.fihrmap@gmail.com


FIHRM-AP Meeting and Warm-Up Event of ”Past, Present and Future: Art and Freedom of Creative Expression” Workshop Topic: How curators and artists face human rights issues in the Asia-Pacific region? Date: 5th June, 2024      14:00-16:45 (GMT+8, Taiwan time) Federation of International Human Rights Museums- Asia Pacific (FIHRM-AP) was established in September 2019 on the ICOM General Conference held in Kyoto. As a platform for museums and NGOs in the Asia-Pacific region, FIHRM-AP urges governments to carefully watch the development of human rights issues in this region. It works to build human-rights-oriented museum values to drive contemporary practices to further the cause. This June, the National Human Rights Museum (NHRM) in collaboration with the Artists at Risk Connection (ARC) will host the workshop "Past, Present, and Future: Art and the Freedom of Creative Expression." This event will serve as a platform for reflection and dialogue on promoting human rights through artistic practices. As a precursor to the workshop, we are hosting an online meeting to engage artists and curators in a discussion on “How curators and artists face human rights issues in the Asia-Pacific region?” We encourage all who are interested in human rights advocacy to join this session. Interpretation services in English and Chinese will be available, and we recommend registering early to secure your participation. “Click Here to Sign Up for the Webinar” After successfully signing up for the event, the conference link will be sent to participants.     Agenda: 📍 14:00 — 14:05   Address by HONG Shi-Fang , Director of the National Human Rights Museum and President of FIHRM-AP 📍 14:05 — 14:45   Experience Sharing 1 Topic: Queering The Museum: LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Beyond Speaker: Craig Middleton, Senior Curator, National Museum of Australia 📍 14:45 — 15:25 Experience Sharing 2 Topic: The Smoldering Embers: Resolute Utterance of Women from Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Speaker: Pooja Pant, Executive Director of Voices of Women Media 📍 15:25 — 16:15 Experience Sharing 3 Topic: Patani Art Space: Art and Community Speaker: Jehabdulloh jehsorhoh, Founder of Patani Artspace 📍 16:15 — 16:45   Discussion Moderator: LIN Wen-Ling, Assistant Professor of Graduate Institute of Arts Management and Cultural Policy in National Taiwan University of Arts Discussant: WU Chieh-Hsiang, Professor of Department of Arts in the National Changhua University of Education --  * The event will proceed in English and Mandarin consecutive interpreting.   * Applicants will have received the meeting link by email. *For any inquiries, please feel free to email us at museumfju.website@gmail.com


Hear Us Out: The Brave Voices of the LGBTQ+ and Women's Resilience Editorial Note The countries in the Asia-Pacific region differ in cultural and social circumstances. These differences have influenced the progress in promoting gender diversity and the legalization of same-sex marriage. New Zealand and Australia legalized same-sex marriage in 2013 and 2017, respectively, while Taiwan became the first in Asia to do so in 2019. Nepal followed suit in November 2023, and in Thailand, legislation was passed at the end of March this year. Other countries such as India, South Korea, and Japan continue to push for legalization through court litigation, constitutional interpretation, and other means. Though such legislation is crucial to the creation of inclusive societies, laws cannot directly eliminate the stigma and prejudice against minorities in society. To promote diversity and inclusiveness in public society, therefore, is a duty that contemporary museums must take on and uphold. Efforts to advance these causes have given rise to uncertainty and anxiety for cultural institutions such as museums and art galleries in practice. To address this growing issue, the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) published Trans-Inclusive Culture: Guidance on advancing trans inclusion for museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations in September 2023. The Guidance first emphasizes that the core of trans inclusion "can, and must, sit squarely alongside their commitment and their work to be anti-racist, to challenge sexism and support women's rights, to combat ableism and all forms of prejudice and discrimination." It also includes a number of concrete actions and strategies, firmly believing that "there is plenty of room in museums for all of us." Certain mainstream values in the Asia-Pacific region have caused sexual minorities to be excluded from history, while sexual violence amidst conflicts is deliberately downplayed. The act of speaking out bravely despite suppression not only brings the scars of history into clear view, but also forms communities for self-identification and a sense of belonging through the recounting of personal history, preservation of community memories, and creation of new spaces in society for gender diversity. This issue of FIHRM-AP features four articles from Japan, Nepal, Australia, and Costa Rica that each explore how diversity can be represented through practices including exhibitions, publications, initiatives, and art. In the news "Unveiling Survival Challenges of LGBT Refugees - Fleeing from War or Persecution?”, Satomi Shimada, the founder of Rainbow Refugee Japan Connection (RRCJ), shares the experience of LGBTQ+ refugees who were persecuted due to anti-gay laws in Kenya. In addition to launching aid campaigns, RRCJ has engaged in advocacy work and held exhibitions in Japan to inform the general public about the plight of these refugees. The second news, "Chronicles of Silence: Resolute Utterance of Women from Conflict-Related Sexual Violence," comes from Pooja Pant, the founder of Voices of Women Media (VOW Media). Pooja Pant shines a light on the patriarchal society of Nepal, where the voices of women who suffered sexual violence in the Maoist conflicts of the Nepalese Civil War have long been unheard and neglected. Through workshops and exhibitions, these women have been given the opportunity to tell their own stories. A collective poetry collection, Chronicles of Silence, was also published in 2019. A curator of the Counihan Gallery interviews queer artist Brady Michael (also known as "MIKE!") about his exhibition, “My Pop Life,” in the article "From Bedroom to Gallery: Exploring Queer Identity in 1980s Australia." A recreation and reimagining of Michael’s teenage bedroom, “My Pop Life” presents the pain and discrimination faced by teenagers in a time of growing homophobia during the HIV/AIDS epidemic, as well as his fear, identity, and pride of being a queer person. The article "Mine, Yours and Ours: MIO Museum as a Project for the Preservation of Memory" introduces the Museo de la Identidad y el Orgullo (Museum of Identity and Pride, MIO) in Costa Rica through Co-Chair Eunice Báez Sánchez. MIO means "mine" in Spanish, symbolizing the museum's dedication to the LGBTQ+ community, identity, and sense of pride. The museum has produced podcast programs for a long time in efforts to preserve the collective memories of the community.



Author: Eunice Báez Sánchez Eunice Báez Sánchez has developed her career in the museum sector, boasting a versatile career spanning museum consultancy, cultural journalism, and vital roles in press management and marketing for diverse cultural endeavors. Currently, Eunice holds the position of Chair at ICOM Costa Rica and serves as Co-Chair at the Museum of Identity and Pride (MIO), the first LGBTIQ+ museum in the region. In addition to these roles, she brings her expertise to the forefront as a Communication Consultant for the UNESCO Regional Multisectoral Office in San José, Costa Rica. Eunice Báez Sánchez stands as a dedicated advocate for culture, heritage, and the vital role of communication and culture as a catalyst for meaningful positive social change.   Mine, Yours and Ours: MIO Museum as a Project for the Preservation of Memory


About MIKE!  Michael Brady (aka MIKE!) is a multi-disciplinary queer artist and designer based in lutriwita/Tasmania whose work includes drawing, printmaking, photography and digital media. Brady's focus is sharing LGBTIQIA+ stories through artworks and immersive installations drawn from personal experience, history and popular culture.   About the Counihan Gallery The Counihan Gallery is a free public gallery located in the heart of Brunswick, on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country. The Counihan Gallery opened in 1999 and is named in honour of the Australian artist and activist Noel Counihan (1913-1986), who was a champion of social justice and a vocal supporter of free speech. Their exhibition program reflects their commitment to political activism, sustainability, and creative expression. From Bedroom to Gallery: Exploring Queer Identity in 1980s Australia This article is written by Counihan Gallery curator Nicola Bryant, based on an interview with artist Michael Brady.  


Introduction The Federation of International Human Rights Museums - Asia Pacific (FIHRM-AP) aims to establish itself as a platform that connects international and Asia Pacific museums with human rights-related organizations. Through dialogue and collaboration, FIHRM-AP seeks to promote the practice and realization of contemporary human rights ideals. The FIHRM-AP annual conference was held in Taiwan for the first time in 2023. Organized by the National Human Rights Museum (NHRM), the event spanned three days starting from November 6 under the theme "Synergizing for Human Rights." Among the participants were museum professionals, researchers, and human rights workers hailing from Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and other regions. The conference featured three keynote speeches, a presentation of 16 research papers, and a workshop by the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC). Through these various formats, the conference brought new insights and inspiration to the promotion of human rights education, negative heritage, community collaboration, and migration and interdisciplinary human rights issues to generate a synergizing effect among museums and across various fields. In addition to experts, scholars, and attendees concerned about human rights issues from around the world, political victims of the White Terror era such as Chen Chin-Sheng, Chang Tse-Chou, Chou Hsien-Nung, and Wu Kuo-Shou were also present and personally expressed their heartfelt gratitude and encouragement to the attending human rights workers.